
Space Shuttle Endeavour

The original picture of Endeavour from the ISS.

The original picture of Endeavour from the ISS.

Space Shuttle Endeavour over the orange horizon. I came across an amazing image captured by the International Space Station of space shuttle endeavour in orbit as the sun was disappearing behind the earth. Or appearing? I don’t know but I think the idea of the sun going down is much more romantic so lets go with that ok?

I was struck by the amazing contrasting colours of the reflections of the runs light and the awesome blues of the earths atmosphere. The tiny silhouetted shuttle in the original ISS really struck me on this graident background.

I am often floored how much inspiration we can find for our art in nature and the natural world. Some of my favourite palettes are often found in space with striking colours accented on a vast field of the empty black expanse.

Ross McKernan